Other Requirements
All policies of the College and the Department of Nursing are, and will be, followed.
The program of study must be completed within five years of matriculation. NUR 050 is required for students who are transferring into the program, admitted with advanced standing, or returning to the program after an absence of one year. Completion of NUR 050 is valid for one year. Students reentering NUR 111 do not need to take NUR 050. NUR 050 cannot be used as an elective in the nursing program. Any deviation from the basic program of study requires written approval from the department.
Continuation in the Nursing Program
A minimum grade of C is necessary in all required nursing and biology courses for continued matriculation in the program. No student may progress to the next nursing course level without successful completion of all courses in the previous level. A student who fails to achieve a C or better in the fourth semester NUR course will be ineligible for graduation.
Re-Admission Policy
Nursing is a high-demand, rigorous, and competitive program. Nursing students who fail or withdraw from one MCC clinical nursing course (a single failure) will be considered for readmission. Nursing students who have a second MCC clinical course failure or withdraw while failing a second time will not be considered for readmission. (Withdrawals from nursing courses at institutions other than MCC will not be considered. Failures from other institutions will not be considered.) A student who has been previously enrolled in a clinical nursing course at MCC and earned a grade below C or a W in the course will not be eligible for admission/re-admission to NUR 111 or NUR 112, unless there are documented extenuating circumstances that warrant consideration. If the second academic failure occurs in NUR 214, the student may be considered for readmission at the recommendation of the Department of Nursing faculty. If both failures occur in NUR 214, the student will not be considered for readmission.
Nursing department criteria for ranking of readmission candidates includes theory grades and/or quality points, clinical performance appraisals, and attendance. A letter of extenuating circumstances, including a plan for success, is always required for readmission to any nursing course. An application to the College may also be required.
Students who have successfully completed a lower level clinical nursing course and moved on to a higher level course OR students who have matriculated into the program with advanced standing (LPNs, transfer students) and then are unsuccessful in the higher level course are ineligible to apply to begin the program again from NUR 111. LPNs who matriculate into the NU 01 (full program option) who are unsuccessful in NUR 111 are ineligible to then take the NLN NACE Challenge exam and matriculate with advanced standing.
Students who are unsuccessful in the MCC NU 01 (full program option) or another nursing program and who then successfully complete an LPN program and meet eligibility requirements may apply to matriculate into the program with advanced standing (NU 02 or NU 03).
All readmissions in the nursing program are on a space available basis and are not guaranteed.
Student Insurance
All nursing students are required to carry health insurance for each semester that they are matriculated in the nursing program. The student must provide a copy of the current insurance card to the Department of Nursing office to remain enrolled in the nursing program.
If a student does not have their own medical insurance, they may refer the NY State of Health website for additional information.
Grading Policies
See Grading System in the catalog, course outlines and Appendices of the Department of Nursing Policy Manual.
Student Grade Grievances
Please refer to the following Monroe Community College documents:
Electronic Communications
Students are required to use their MCC email address when communicating electronically with college faculty and/or staff.
Social Media: Any statement made electronically which can cause actual or potential harm or injury to another or to the school will be grounds for dismissal.