Design & Construction Standards
The standards set forth in these documents are intended to serve as design and construction standard guidelines for Monroe Community College. As such, they reflect the planning, design, construction, and maintenance expertise of college personnel. The standards have been compiled and edited by the Department of Engineering Services within the Division of Facilities. As standards for the College, this information is to be applied to renovation and new construction from the very first planning and design stages through actual construction and facilities maintenance and management. The information included within each standard section contains procedures to be followed, materials to be used, or design guidelines which we at MCC have found to be appropriate to assure the quality desired at the College now and through our future maintenance of these facilities.
The standards included herein shall serve as a code of quality for all campus-wide design, construction, and maintenance procedures. The level of quality deemed by any one standard is determined on the basis of reliability, serviceability, safety, and cost (including design, construction, inventory, operating, and maintenance costs). The information contained in these standards is not specific to any one project, but common to all Facilities projects.
Standards shall form the basis from which to create specifications. All of the concepts and procedures included are for the use of designers and consultants. The use and inclusion of these standards in bid documents does not relieve the consultant or architect of the responsibility and legal liability for any bid documents created from these standards.
Standards from all areas of design and construction are continually being developed. As changes and new sections are ready for inclusion, changes will be made to this document. This document will never be finally published, but remains a "living" document keeping abreast of new and better procedures or materials as we become aware of them. You should request the latest version before beginning work on any projects in order to have the latest revisions.
These standards were developed and are maintained by Engineering Services in the Facilities Department at Monroe Community College, 1000 East Henrietta Road, Henrietta, NY 14623. We appreciate any feedback you would like to give on the content of the standards or format of this document.